Become a member

Choose from one of our membership plans to get started.

Membership Offers
Membership Options
Joint Membership
Senior Membership
Student Membership
Monthly Membership £42.00 p/m (12 months contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (12 months contract)
Monthly Membership £47.00 p/m (monthly rolling contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (Monthly rolling contract)
Flex 1 Month Membership £52.00
Paid Upfront In Full
Annual Membership £440.00
Paid Upfront In Full
Joint Membership £79.00 p/m (12 months contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (12 months contract)
Joint Membership £89.00 p/m (Rolling Contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (Rolling Contract)
Joint Senior Membership £71.00 p/m (12 months contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (12 months contract)
Joint Senior Membership £79.00 p/m (Rolling Contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (Rolling Contract)
Joint Senior Annual Membership £744.00
Paid Upfront In Full
Joint Annual Membership £829.00
Paid Upfront In Full
Senior 65+ Monthly Membership £38.00 p/m (12 months contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (12 months contract)
Senior 65+ Monthly Membership £42.00 p/m (monthly rolling contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (Monthly rolling contract)
Senior 65+ Annual Membership £399.00
Paid Upfront In Full
Student 16+ Monthly Membership £38.00 p/m (12 month contract)
Paid by Direct Debit (12 months contract)
Student 16+ Monthly Membership £42.00 p/m (monthly rolling contract)
Paid by Direct Debit
Student 16+ Annual Membership £399.00
Paid Upfront In Full